Replacing the Key
Your Lexus dealer can generate replacement keys. Certain bonded/ registered locksmiths may also be able to generate replacement keys.
When ordering a new key, bring all keys for the vehicle to your dealership.
If a Smart Key or the key-number plate is not available, a Lexus dealer or certain locksmiths can obtain the key code from a restrictedaccess database. These businesses
can also access a service utility to register the keys to the vehicle if all registered keys have been lost.
If you lock your key in your vehicle and do not have a spare, your dealer can make a new mechanical key from the code on the key-number plate.
Certain bonded/registered locksmiths may also be able to generate a replacement mechanical key. If a Lexus dealer is not available, please refer to to find a bonded/ registered locksmith who performs high-security key service.
See also:
Engine (ignition) switch
Performing the following operations when carrying the electronic key on your
person starts the engine or changes “ENGINE START STOP” switch modes.
Starting the engine
Check that the parking b ...
Moon roof
Use the overhead switches to open and close the moon roof and tilt it up and
Opening and closing
1. Opens the moon roof*
The moon roof stops slightly before the fully open position to red ...
Glass hatch
The glass hatch can be opened using the glass hatch opener, entry function or
wireless remote control.
Entry function
Wireless remote control
Glass hatch opener
1.Press the button to pop up t ...