Display POI* icons

Points of Interest such as gas stations and restaurants can be displayed on the map screen. You can also set their location as a destination and use them for route guidance.

1. Touch “Show on Map”.

1. Touch “Show on Map”.

2. Touch “Select POI” to display a particular type of Point of Interest on

2. Touch “Select POI” to display a particular type of Point of Interest on the screen.

When the Points of Interest to be displayed on the map screen have already been set, “Change POI” is displayed.

A screen with a limited choice of Points of Interest will be displayed. (To change

A screen with a limited choice of Points of Interest will be displayed. (To change the displayed POI, see page 345.)

Selecting POIs to be displayed

Up to 5 categories of icons can be displayed on the screen.

Touch the desired Point of Interest category to display POI location symbols

Touch the desired Point of Interest category to display POI location symbols on the map screen.

By touching the desired POI category and then touching “OK”, the selected POI icons are displayed on the map screen.

To turn off the Points of Interest icons on the map screen, touch “Clear”. “Other POIs”: If the desired Point of Interest can not be found on the limited choice screen, touch this button.

“Find Local POI”: When searching for the nearest Point of Interest, touch this button.

Then choose one of the categories. The system will list the points within 200 miles (320 km).

Touch “Other POIs” on the “Select POI Icons” screen.

When a Point of Interest category is selected from either the limited list or the complete list, the screen will display symbols of those locations on the map screen.

Touch the desired POI categories.

Touch the desired POI categories.

The selected category icon appears on the top left of the screen.

By touching the desired POI category and then touching “OK”, the selected POI icons are touching on the map screen.

If the desired POI category is not on the screen, touch “List All Categories” to list all POI categories.

Touch the desired POI categories from the list.

Touch the desired POI categories from the list.

The selected category icon appears on the top left of the screen.

By touching the desired POI category and then touching “OK”, the selected POI icons are displayed on the map screen.

To return to the POI category selection screen, touch “More”.

To display the local POI list

Points of Interest that are within 200 miles (320 km) of the current position will be listed from among the selected categories.

1. Touch “Find Local POI” on the “Select POI Icons” screen.

1. Touch “Find Local POI” on the “Select POI Icons” screen.

2. Touch the button of the desired Point of Interest.

2. Touch the button of the desired Point of Interest.

The selected Points of Interest are displayed on the map screen.

“Near...”: To search for Points of Interest near the current position or along the route.

“Near Here” : When “Near Here” is touched, the list of Points of

“Near Here” : When “Near Here” is touched, the list of Points of Interest near the current position will be displayed.

“Along My Route” : When “Along My Route” is touched, the list of Points of Interest along the route will be displayed.

To set a POI as a destination

You can select one of the Points of Interest icons on the map screen as a destination and use it for route guidance.

1. Directly touch the Point of Interest icon that you want to set as a destination.

1. Directly touch the Point of Interest icon that you want to set as a destination.

The map will shift so that the icon is centered on the screen and overlaps with the cursor from the current position is displayed on the screen. The distance shown is measured . At this time, the distance from the current position is displayed on the screen. The distance shown is measured as a straight line from the current vehicle position to the POI.

2. When the desired Point of Interest overlaps with the cursor, touch “Enter The screen changes and displays the map location of the selected destination ”.

The screen changes and displays the map location of the selected destination and route preference. (See “Starting route guidance” on page 83.)

To hide POI icons

1. Touch “Show on Map”.

1. Touch “Show on Map”.

2. Touch “POI Icons”.

2. Touch “POI Icons”.

The “POI Icons” indicator is dimmed.

The map screen will be displayed with the POI icons hidden.

To display the POI icons again, touch “POI Icons” on the “Show on Map” screen.

    See also:

    Touch screen operation
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