Distance and time to destination

Lexus LX / Lexus LX Owners Manuals / Route guidance / Distance and time to destination

When the vehicle is on the guidance route, the distance and the estimated travel/arrival time to the destination are displayed. When the vehicle is not on the guidance route, the distance and direc- tion of the destination are displayed.

When driving on the guidance route with more than 1 destination set, the dis- tance and estimated travel/arrival time from the current position to each desti- nation are displayed.

1 Touch the screen button indicated by the arrow.

2 Touch the number screen button to dis-

2 Touch the number screen button to dis- play the desired destination.

● The distance, estimated travel time and

● The distance, estimated travel time and estimated arrival time from the current position to the selected destination are dis- played.



● When the vehicle is on the guidance route, the distance measured along the route is displayed. Travel time and arrival time are calculated based on the set vehi- cle speed information.  However, when the vehicle is not on the guidance route, the distance is the linear distance between the current position and the destination.

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