Natural speech information (English only)

Lexus LX / Lexus LX Owners Manuals / Voice command system operation / Natural speech information (English only)

Due to natural language speech recog- nition technology, this system enables recognition of a command when spoken naturally. However, the system cannot recognize every variation of each com- mand. In some situations, it is possible to omit the command for the procedure and directly state the desired operation.

Not all voice commands are displayed in the short cut menu.


●The “Set a Destination”, “Use the Phone”, “Play Music” and “Get Information” com- mands displayed on the “Shortcut Menu” screen can be operated using natural lan- guage speech recognition technology.

●If the command cannot be recognized completely, the command input screen will be displayed. (Search results will be shown based on the part of the command that was recognized.)


*: Say the desired artist name or album

*: Say the desired artist name or album name in the place of the “



●Commands that are not displayed in the “Shortcut Menu” screen can be accessed from the main menu.

●For example, to make an “International Call”, say “Main menu” while the “Short- cut Menu” screen is being displayed.

Then say “Use the phone” followed by saying the desired number, e.g.


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